Reverse Percentages Calculator App

Reverse Percentages Calculator App
Reverse Percentages Calculator App

As the name suggests, a reverse percentages calculator is a tool that helps you calculate percentages in reverse. This means that instead of figuring out what percentage a particular value represents, you use this tool to calculate the original value given a percentage and a final amount. For instance, if you know the final price of a discounted item and the discount percentage, you can use it to determine the original price before the sale with The Percentage Calculator.

Reverse percentage formula

O = F 1 P
  • O represents the Original Amount
  • F represents the Final Amount
  • P represents the Percentage change

For example, using the previous example of a final bill of $120 after a 20% discount, we can calculate the original price as follows:

Original Amount = $120 / (1 – 0.20) = $150

Therefore, the original price of the item before the 20% discount was $150.

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